Colorado River Report 9-21-19
Posted on 21 September 2019
SEPTEMBER 14, 2019
FLOW: 2290 cfs in Glenwood Springs
WATER CONDITIONS: Clear, but mossy.
OVERALL RATING: 8 out of 10
FOOD SOURCES PRESENT: Yellow Sallies, caddis adults, pupa and larvae, BWO adults, emergers and nymphs, midges, golden stonefly adults and nymphs, PMD nymphs and adults, worms, craneflies
THE LOW DOWN: Daytime hatches consist of yellow sallies, caddis, PMDs and a few BWOS. You'll see plenty of spinners out there if you're on the water early or late. The Colorado has been seeing some hot days, and moss is becoming a bit of an issue.
Nymphs of note this week are sunken spinners, San Juan Worms, beaded princes, swissies, and pheasant tails. If streamers are your thing, utilize a sink tip and get that streamer down in the zone quickly.
HATCHES: Caddis 14-18, BWOs 18-20, PMDs 16-18, Midges 16-22, Yellow Sallies 16, Golden Stones 6-10
Appropriate Patterns
NYMPHS: Twenty Incher 14-16, Prince 10-18, BLMs 18-20, San Juan Worm 10, Tung Bead Baetis 18-20, Biot Baetis 18-20, RS2s 20, Polywing Emerger 18-20, Imposters 20-22, Assassins 20-22, Freestone Emerger 20, Biot Midge 20-22, 2o Incher 1-14, Poxyback Green Drake 10, Tungsten Bruised PMD 16-18, Halfback PMD Emerger 14-18, Copper John Red 14-18, Cat Poop 8-12, San Juan Worm 10
DRIES: Royal Chubby Chernobyl 8-10, Egg Laying Golden Stone 8, Henry's Fork Golden Stone 8-10, Pearl and Elk Caddis 12-18, Olive Foam Body Caddis 12-18, Collett's Para BWO 18-22, Perfect Baetis 20-22, Garcia's Mini Hot Yellow Sally 16, Hairy Sally 16