Crystal River Report 11-2-18

Posted on 02 November 2018


November 2, 2018

FLOW: 101 CFS in Carbondale

WATER CONDITIONS: Clear and low. Voluntary closures are no longer in effect.

OVERALL RATING: 6 out of 10 above Redstone

FOOD SOURCES PRESENT:  Midges, BWOs, sculpins

THE LOW DOWN: The Crystal has had it's low water issues this year, but the abundance of fall rain and snow is starting to add to the flows.  Most of the summer and early fall saw only single-digit flows down in Carbondale.

But, don't despair!  Higher-volume flows can be found upriver, especially above Redstone and up through Marble.  The fish may not be huge, but they are certainly more plentiful the higher in elevation you go.

Fish the deep pools and runs, skip the ankle-deep stuff and take a few of your favorite smaller attractor dries and nymphs.

HATCHES: Midges 20-22, BWOs 18-22


NYMPHS: Copper John 18-20, Tung Pheasant Tail 18-20, Prince Nymph 16-18, Jerome Baetis 18-20, JuJu Baetis 18-22, Spanflex Stone 6-10, San Juan Worm 10

DRIES: Flag Adams 18-22, Hi Vis Griffiths Gnat 18, Skittering Zelon Midge 20, CDC Transitional Midge 22, Stimulator 16-18

HINTS: Skip the average-looking water and focus on deep pits and runs.


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