Crystal River Report 6-30-18
Posted on 30 June 2018
June 30, 2018
FLOW: 202 cfs Below Redstone
WATER CONDITIONS: Runoff is subsiding, but keep an eye on the graphs.
OVERALL RATING: 6 out of 10
FOOD SOURCES PRESENT: Midges, BWO, PMD and green drake nymphs, golden stonefly nymphs, caddis larva (free swimming and cased) cranefly larva, sculpins
THE LOW DOWN: The Crystal has been dropping fast and is clearing up quite well. As we always preach, there is usually no need to over-think this river. Take a few attractor dries and nymphs and fish the deeper water.
HATCHES: Midges 20-22, sporadic BWOs18-22, sporadic caddis 12-18, sporadic green drakes, sporadic PMDs
NYMPHS: Copper John 18-20, Tung Pheasant Tail 18-20, Prince Nymph 16-18, Jerome Baetis 18-20, JuJu Baetis 18-22, Spanflex Stone 6-10, San Juan Worm 10
DRIES: Flag Adams 18-22, Hi Vis Griffiths Gnat 18, Skittering Zelon Midge 20, CDC Transitional Midge 22, Goddard Caddis 14-18, Elk Hair Caddis 12-18
HINTS: Skip the average-looking water and focus on deep pits and runs.
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