Colorado River Report 3-23-20

Posted on 23 March 2020


March 23, 2020

FLOW: 1400 cfs in Glenwood Springs

WATER CONDITIONS: Clear and low. Don't fret if you see a little color in the river with the warm-ups this week.

OVERALL RATING:  8 out of 10  but this can vary from day to day. Warm nights yield great days after!

FOOD SOURCES PRESENT: Baetis, Midges, worms, sculpins

THE LOW DOWN: COVID-19 Update: The health and well-being of our guests and employees is of utmost importance. We will be closed beginning 3/15 until further notice. We will use that time to reassess future opening dates. Please keep an eye on our social accounts for updates.

FYI- Two Rivers Boat Ramp in Glenwood Springs is closed until April, so plan accordingly! 

Like the lower Roaring Fork, the Colorado is pretty darn spectacular these days. We're seeing mats of midge shucks in the soft water and any day now we will see real numbers of what's locally referred to as Midgezilla. These big midges are size 16 or so and are the official harbinger of spring here in the Roaring Fork Valley.

Blue Wings are hatching heavily now! Streamers and nymphs have been deadly, and if you can find some soft water midday, you'll find some risers here and there. This week fishing in the sun has been better than the shade, although usually we say the opposite.

If you don't float, check out the wade fishing accesses in Glenwood Springs and Dino Boat Ramp. We are warming up quickly around here, so get after it while it lasts!

HATCHES: Baetis18-20, Midges 16-22

Appropriate Patterns  

DRIES: Parachute Adams 18-20, Red or Yellow Humpy 16-18, CDC Transitional Midge 20-22, Griffiths Gnat 18-22, Sprout Midge 20-22, HOH Spent Midge 20-22, Hatching Midge 20-22. 

NYMPHS: Prince 16-18, BLMs 18-20, San Juan Worm 10, Tung Bead Baetis 18-20, Biot Baetis 18-20, RS2s 20, Polywing Emerger 18-20, Imposters 20-22, Assassins 20-22, Freestone Emerger 20, Biot Midge 20-22, Copper John Red 14-18, San Juan Worm 10

HINTS: If the fish aren't eating deep, shallow up those nymph rigs and see if they're suspended.

Link to Real Time Flows:

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