Colorado River Report 6-29-19
Posted on 29 June 2019
June 29, 2019
FLOW: 16,800 cfs in Glenwood Springs (Check out the link below to the real-time video camera on the river in Glenwood!)
OVERALL RATING: 1 out of 10 Conditions are tough until we see runoff subside
FOOD SOURCES PRESENT: Caddis adults, pupa and larvae, BWO adults, emergers and nymphs, midges, golden stonefly nymphs, PMD nymphs, worms, craneflies
THE LOW DOWN: The Colorado will be brown town for a few more weeks, we'll let you know when it's turning green again.
Make sure to check the real-time flow graphs below or give the shop a call for updated conditions and water clarity.
HATCHES: Caddis 14-18, BWOs 18-20, Midges 16-22
Appropriate Patterns
NYMPHS: Prince 10-18, BLMs 18-20, San Juan Worm 10, Tung Bead Baetis 18-20, Biot Baetis 18-20, RS2s 20, Polywing Emerger 18-20, Imposters 20-22, Assassins 20-22, Freestone Emerger 20, Biot Midge 20-22, Cat Poop 8-12, San Juan Worm 10
DRIES: Foam Body Elk Hair Caddis 14-18, Pearl and Elk Caddis 14-18, Collett's Para BWO 18-20, Hackle Dun Baetis 20-22, BWO Sparkledun BWO 18-20, Morgan's Para Midge 20, Biot Wing Midge 20, Hatching Midge 20, CDC Transitional Midge 20, Hi Vis Griffith's Gnat 18-20
HINTS: Use sink tips with your streamers! Can be make or break sometimes to getting in the strike zone.
Link to the USGS Real Time Flow Chart for the Colorado River
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