Crystal River 8-29-20
Posted on 29 August 2020
August 27, 2020
FLOW: 15 CFS in Carbondale
WATER CONDITIONS: The river is closed to fishing from MM 64 down to the confluence of the Roaring Fork in Carbondale due to low flows and high temps
OVERALL RATING: 4 out of 10
FOOD SOURCES PRESENT: Caddis, Midges, PMDs, Sculpins, BWOs
THE LOW DOWN: As stated above, fishing is voluntarily closed from the confluence up to MM 64. We recommend you go up higher in elevation to find cooler water and fish that are less stressed-out.
No need to overthink this river, find some of the pools and runs and show them your favorite attractor dries and nymphs.
HATCHES: BWOs 18-22, Caddis 14-18, PMDs 14-18, Stoneflies 4-12
NYMPHS: Copper John 18-20, Tung Pheasant Tail 16-20, Prince Nymph 12-18, Jerome Baetis 18-20, JuJu Baetis 18-22, Neon Nightmare 20-22, Sparkle Pupa 14-18, San Juan Worm 10, Cat Poop 8-12,
DRIES: Pearl and Elk Caddis 16-18, Foam Body Caddis 14-18, Parachute Adams 16-20, BC hopper 6-8, Chubby 6-10, Royal Wulffs 10-16
HINTS: Don't ignore the shallow riffles, they should be loaded with sculpins and insects.
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